The weather has been so unpredictable
during this month…hot then cold.
The bad part is we have not had
a good soaking rain in months.
However, my perennials are
fairing pretty well. I have been
watering them some though.
The annuals I have put out are looking
terrible…in fact the impatiens are just
sitting in the pots…losing part of their
leaves and putting on a few new flowers.
The dusty miller and petunias
are looking okay though.
Verbena plants are so-so. Also
forked over
some money
and purchased 5 knock out roses.
If they live – the decision is
unknown at this time.
I do want you to see how pretty thee flowers
have been during the last three weeks.
Lots of pictures – so settle back with a drink of
your favorite beverage and a few cookies while
we wander around the Watkins garden.
Bleeding Heart
An early morning sight from the deck!
There are still more flowers I could have
have shown…but this is enough for now.
This is Easter weekend – please attend church
of your choice and praise God for all the
wonderful blessings.
♥Amelia ♥
You just brightened my dull rainy day, maybe I could send some rain your way .How nice to sit here and look at your beautiful flowers ,we need a little of that color here in Ontario.
Oh, your flowers are beautiful. It is still cold here in Iowa. 45* and raining right now. My peony bushes are just starting to poke up out of the ground.
We have had your share of rain, along with ours, and the Mississippi river is covering the lower streets of downtown Davenport. We don't need any more rain.
Hoping you'll get rain soon.
Your deck and the view are beautiful. That would give reason to be happy every morning!
You have such a wonderful yard...just beautiful...another of God's blessings for us! Happy Easter, Amelia!
It always fascinates me how flowers behave differently in other parts of the world. Here in the UK our azalea are just coming into bloom, but we won't expect to see roses for another month yet. Mostly we've still got spring flowers, bluebells, primrose and primula, the last of the daffodils, grape hyacinth, hellebores especially. But like you we really do need some rain; the sunshine is lovely but the rain would be really welcomed by gardeners and farmers.
Oh Happy Easter!!! Your gardens are beautiful. I see you have martin gourds. Do you have any yet? We have the most we have ever had in ours. Have a wonderful blessed weekend.
What lovely flowers. We are in the middle of a severe drought here in West flowers, lawn and trees are not looking well at all.
I notice you haven't been posting the last few months...hope everything is ok.
xo bj
Thank you so much for visiting me today sweet friend. I am amazed at the generosity of people out in the world sometimes. You'll never really know the kids you are helping and how far your giving will actually go.
You are indeed an "Onie Smith". Blessings to you as you follow where God leads.
Happy Sunday. I loved looking at your pictures again. I can only DREAM of having such gorgeous flowers in my garden.
Love to you~
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