Several colors come to mind - but the one color that appeared on one of my plants was not a welcome sight.
A week or so ago I posted about purchasing a new Rose of Sharon shrub...the kind with the double blossom. It was the most expensive plant I have ever purchased...then the use of high quality potting soil we placed around just drove the cost involved up even more. About 3 days after planting I noticed the bottom leaves were turning first I thought plant shock - as I know this happens from time to time. A few more days went by - more leaves dropping - I was watering it some - but not very much. Friday evening I stuck a stick down beside the plant and it came out soaking wet plus the soil around it had a soured smell. I fully realized what was happening - my poor plant was drowning - the soil beneath the potting mixture is was forming a bowl shaped hole and was holding the water.
The next question was where to place it - Leon (bless his heart - he does love his woman) dug several test holes before we found one that did not have clay that far down. Sure I could have done this digging - but he wanted to be the one to do the digging with the post hole diggers and the I let him be my "knight in shining armor" with these tools.
Only time will tell as to whether it will live or not - I certainly hope so. Not only because of the expense and labor so far...but the flowers on it are so pretty. You can see the yellow leaves - not a pretty sight, is it? This is one of the few flowers left on the bush. This Rose of Sharon is planted just a few feet from the sickly the soil must be good here. We have three Boston ferns on the front porch - and two on the back. They must be watered everyday...especially with these high temperatures we have been experiencing lately. This mass of greenery is primarily cypress fern...if you not familiar with them I will give a tiny bit of background...very very small leaf with a red flower...and it is a climber deluxe...probably by the month of October this wire will nearly be covered in the vine. This is a close up shot of the cypress vine. The hydrangea flowers are not as pretty as they were several weeks ago...most of them have lost the bright pink. The elephant ears are standing guard at the NE corner of the house. This year the spider plants or airplane plants (I have heard them called both names) are producing so many off spring...sure wish I knew of someone that would like to have a starter plant. Just a pretty picture of flowers in an old wooden wishing well pot.
Enjoy the upcoming week - even if the road has an unexpected curve - this just means we need to lean on God more and less on ourselves.
I do hope your new double Rose of Sharon makes it!! Everything looks gorgeous in your gardens! We are having to water a lot with all of the hot temps. too. Hope you are staying cool!♥
I know it will have a gift. Looking forward to more beautiful flowers.
I loved your phrase at the end. You have a great week too!
Amelia, everything looks so pretty. Those doggone clay holes are hard to deal with, aren't they? We usually mound our new plantings slightly above the ground and it seems to help keep things from rotting. I've had my share of things that died in the hole too. Sometimes it feels like one big science experiment.
Hopefully your Rose of Sharon will be fine ,your garden is beautiful .What a great fellow your Leon is ,he's a keeper for sure .
What a pity about your plant, with all the care and attention you're giving it, it certainly should start to thrive. But sometimes it seems that the more money you pay the more delicate and fragile the plants are (a bit like sewing machines really!)
Good thing you figured out what was going on with your plant. Perennials are expensive. You seem to have a way with flowers so I'm sure it will do well for you. That cypress fern is cool!
Did you buy your RoS at a nursery? If so, many of them will offer you a new plant if the first one didn't take. I hope it pulls through though. I have a feeling it will - you're so good to all your plants and flowers. :)
I would take one of your spider/airplane plants. But it might be quite a trip to get one.
I bet you could make anything I think your Rose of Sharon will make it! Everything in your garden is so pretty.
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