I suppose sunflowers would be the one flower that reminds me of Summer. One year I planted them in the vegetable garden - they came up - but as soon as they opened their massive blossom the squirrels would climb the stalk and start chomping up the flower. That has been the end of me planting sunflower seeds in the ground to grow them.
We feed the squirrels sunflower seeds so it is no wonder we see little plants coming up in various locations. Yes, the blossoms usually get eaten by the bushy tailed squirrels - but I suppose since I had nothing to do with the planting etc the squirrels can consider them their own private feast.
Today I was fortunate to catch some in bloom ~ probably tomorrow they will be gone. My Rose of Sharon plant has not died - seems to be just holding its own...so guess time will tell on it.
Some of the rest of my flowers are beginning to show the signs of continuously hot days. I water them all the time - but still some of the leaves are just drying up - mainly the hostas on the east side of the house. The ones on the north side are fine.
Summer is about half over - school will be starting soon for the schools in our area - where does the time go?
I love seeing your flowers!
Your sunflowers are so pretty! My one flower is still standing but beginning to droop. The squirrels haven't bothered it...guess we are lucky with this one.
I love sunflowers - I think of them as happy smiling faces! I am so ready for the heat to go. I weed the garden very, very early in the morning and then disappear into the house. I put in a hydrangea this year and the sun nearly fried it! I now have a chair sitting over it to shield it from the sun just a bit. I am afraid I am going to have to purchase a "specimen" tree (which will cost a fortune) just to get some shade in a hurry. I have two small trees that I planted but they are not growing fast enough!!
The sunflowers are beautiful!!!! They are the perfect summer flower.♥
I love sunflowers. I guess I won't plant any - I have enough squirrel activity. :/
I love the brightness of the sunflowers...and they just came up? wow!
My Sweet Girl starts school (Kindergarten)on Aug 9th! Time is flying!
My zinnia's are all droopy and dried up. :( The heat has been so oppressive here in Atlanta.
Your sunflowers are gorgeous! Ours were eaten by deer. :)
I love sunflowers too. I am actually a little anxious for fall to come. I am not ready for winter but just a little cooler temps.
I do love sunflowers! They are always such bright friends in the garden.
Thanks for the tip on today's flower. I didn't know what kind of flower it is, just that it's pink!
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