Monday, May 10, 2010

Flowers today 5-10-2010

The weatherman says we are under a tornado watch! Certainly, hope he is wrong as some of my flowers are looking so pretty.

Here are just a few pictures of the flowers as to how they look today.

Not all of the amaryllis buds are in bloom - but so pretty at this time.

100_3623This is part of one of the flower beds in the back of the house.100_3627Part of the front yard. 100_3632Leon made this wagon a couple or so years ago. It sits to the North of our drive way.

Many more flowers to see in the yard - but will wait for another day.

Count your blessings today!

PS: The wild roses thru out the country side have been pretty too this year. These pictures show the ones on the fence row looking east from our back yard.
100_3551 100_3545


Stacey said...

Hi Amelia! I've been wondering about you.

Our crazy Oklahoma weather! It's never boring, is it?

Your flowers are all so pretty. I have that amaryllis bulb from Christmas. Can I put it in the yard? Yours is gorgeous!

We have wild rose blooming right outside our bedroom window. I just love it!

Hazel said...

How pretty I love looking at your garden .The flowers are gorgeous . Stay safe, I hope the tornado doesn't effect your area .

Darlene said...

Your flowers are GORGEOUS!! Hope you stay safe this evening. We are out of the shelter right now but it looks like something may be developing again. :(

Val said...

Wow. Your flowers made me smile. Your yard is beautiful. Don't you just love spring? I hope you stay safe. I heard about the tornado watch on the news. It rained here today. My garden needed it.

julieQ said...

I heard on the news that the tornado warnings were in effect...just can't be, it would mess up your flowers! such lovely ones, too...

Michelle said...

Your yard is beautiful. Hope your tornado stayed away!

Amanda said...

Your flowers look so pretty, I certainly hope that any tornado in the area passes you by. Our weather has taken a turn for the colder, overnight temperatures dipping to freezing, but I think our flowers are 'born' expecting peculiar weather so I hope they will all survive.

Christina said...


I hope you had a wonderful Mothers Day. We had a beautiful day here. It was a little cooler than it has been.

You have so many beautiful flowers. I first found out that you can plant amaryllis in the garden from you. I haven't had one in years (at Christmas), but the next time we have one it will go in the ground after.

Hope y'all didn't have any bad weather.

Halcyon said...

Such pretty flowers. I hope you didn't get any storm damage.

Sharon said...

Your flowers look fantastic! Hope all is well in Oklahoma...I know some got hit hard this week. You have a lovely blog.

bj said...

Hi, Amelia..I think roses are beautiful all over the country. The wet winter and spring really helped them along. My roses are prettier this year than ever before.

Your flowers are just beautiful..

bj said...

O, my lord...your flowers are just awesome!! Sure hope the weather didn't hurt them.

O, yes, if you come by my cafe, I will have a special dessert, just for you...most likely CHOCOLATE!! :)
HUGS, bj