Remember this picture...
These flowers did not wilt...they just dried to a papery like finish..all the time being in the vase. This is how they look now. I did cut the stems off so they would fit in this tea pot. The texture of the petals looks and feels like crepe paper.
Go figure, had I wished to dry these jonquils...they probably would have dropped their heads and wilted into a mess...but I feel blessed to have them continue to look so pretty.
This reminds of the fact we need to "just let God do his will..." we should not always try to control each and every situation.
I wonder if there is something you could spray them with to keep them intact and stay the same a clear finish.
Mine just fell apart, I swear you have a green thumb LOL
I love your *dried* flowers and the gentle hint to let God do HIS work.
Thanks so much for stopping by..I will be blogging with phots of our party soon. Got to get them all together and catch my breath first! :))
xo bj
They are certainly still so pretty! There is big lesson for me here...I am not in control! That is hard for a CCU nurse to really get, but as I age, it is coming home to me how little control we humans really have. Happy Sunday!
That worked great. I understand what you mean about "if you had tried." Some of the best things in life seem to happen by accident.
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