Sunday, April 11, 2010

Garden Colors

Lovely colors... 100_3289 100_3214 .100_3209100_3220100_3226100_3234100_3245100_3261100_3284100_3294



Tardevil said...

Such pretty pictures, Amelia! Did you grow all of those pretty flowers? I'd have to go to Lowe's and take pictures like that! LOL! Hope you enjoyed your weekend.

Michelle said...

Beautiful. Our spring is not that advanced yet, but things are starting to bud, and the grass is getting long!

Hazel said...

Are these from your garden ,just lovely ,your pawn is lovely so peaceful looking .

Amanda said...

Isn't it wonderful how the flowers seem to make up their minds all of a sudden and just appear overnight it seems. Our garden is looking so pretty now, mostly with yellows, with a few soft purples thrown in for good measure.

Three Birds Inspired said...

Ohhhh - pretty! I still don't have any color in my garden except green leaves. I can't wait for my perennials to start blooming.

Christina said...

Such beauty. I am constantly amazed at all of the colors in God's creation.

julieQ said...

Just gorgeous! Thank you, Amelia...

Halcyon said...

You are lucky to have such a wonderful garden! I love all the flowers. I bet you have nice bouquets on your dinner table. :)