Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can't tell time...maybe

In looking out my picture window this afternoon I spotted this morning glory in full bloom. Now if it had been morning I would not have thought100_2303 much about it. However, the time was about 2:45 pm.

I suppose this plant decided it will bloom at the time it pleases, when it pleases and if it pleases...hard headed like me (my husband would say).

Real reason, has been overcast all day and the temperature is in the mid 60's.

You guys have a great week - do something exciting - and blog about it.



Michelle said...

It's actually 63* here. Can you believe it? The sun was out pretty much up until about an hour ago.
Your morning glory is pretty.
be blessed!

Kristie said...

Such a pretty picture. It has been overcast here today too.

Norma said...

I love when a flower, or anything from nature, does the unexpected! How great that you still have flowers blooming with your fall weather!

Darlene said...

It is a beautiful morning glory! I have heard our temperatures are supposed to drop again.♥

Hazel said...

How pretty ,it's about 40* here right now I'm afraid all our morning glory's are finished for this year ,I enjoyed looking at your's .