Saturday, June 09, 2007

Construction Zone

Changes are coming for this area!

Leon and I keep saying we are through with making changes in the yard. Then one of us will get an idea for something different and then - we are up to our elbows or down on our knees with the new project.

Years ago, this was an "ugly" pear tree. No grass would grow - got plenty of pears - but we did not need them as we have another "pretty" pear tree. Leon cut it off and left the stump at about 2 to 3 feet high. Did the tree just plenty of "sucker" branches keep coming out.

So Leon has decided to go below ground level and cut all the main roots. Then he can take the tractor and get the stump out of the ground. This project is going to take time. After the stump is removed he will just level it out and let the bermuda grass grow over it.

This area will soon be changed. At this point we have not made any firm decision as to what we will do. We are having a hard time getting the grass to grow because of the shade from the trees.

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