I will be digging the bulbs up before it gets terribly cold...and then replant them next spring. I have better luck that way as sometime they do not survive if left in the ground during the winter months.
Short post - but wanted to share the pictures.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Wow, that's an impressive looking plant.
Well...never knew they bloomed! Mine have never bloomed, to my knowledge...maybe next year!
I LOVE those! I didn't realize that they bloomed. Love the pictures.
Your plants and flowers are always so beautiful. I love seeing them.
Interesting. I also did not know that elephant ears bloomed. It almost looks like an upside down calla-lily.
Hope you are enjoying some fall weather there. We finally are having some beautiful days and relief from the heat.
I didn't know they bloomed! Mine never have. :)
Your kitchen looks just like the one in my last house did with that divider between the kitchen & dining area! Same paneling covering it and everything!!! :)
Like your fall touch you added to the plates hanging on the wall. Also enjoyed reading the answers to the questions about you. I am a huggy type person too! :) I sometimes forget that other people aren't that way because it is so natural to me.
I am still loving the "weed" that is in your flower bed. It is gorgeous!
Hope you are enjoying cooler weather!
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