Monday, August 23, 2010

A Weed or a Surprise

Several weeks ago I noticed this plant growing in one of the flower beds...could not tell then (or now) if it was a weed...but I just left it. Leon says anything that grows in the flower bed is a flower...some are tame and some are wild.

The plant is now just an inch or so under three feet tall. To keep it semi-straight I put a stake by it a couple or so weeks ago.100_4251 This is the "questionable" plant. I don't recall ever seeing one growing out in the wild - but maybe I just over looked it. 100_4254 100_4256 100_4258You can tell by these close up shots the flowers are small and dainty. The white at the edge of the leaves started appearing as the flowering began.

You can see the browning of some of my other plants in the back ground. The heat and lack of rain has not caused any damage to this mystery in that respect I think it could be a weed. I have done some computer research on weeds in Oklahoma but have not come up with anything.

So - is this a weed - or a garden plant whose seed was deposited by the wind or a bird?

Have a great week



Hazel said...

I don't know but as Leon says some are tame and some are wild ,wise man LOL Doesn't really matter its pretty .

julieQ said...

Hmm, I do not have a clue...but weeds are only weeds if we don't want them, is that right? My dad used to tell me that....hugs! It is so dry here too.

Darlene said...

I don't know but it is REALLY pretty! I see why you left it there. I am looking forward to the "cooler" snap we are supposed to receive along with the rain.♥

Michelle said...

Whatever it is, it's pretty!

Three Birds Inspired said...

Perhaps a wild flower but I would never call it a week. Very pretty plant!

Southern Fried Gal said...

It's cool whatever it is! How complex and beautiful! It will be interesting to see what it does next.

Victoria said...

Love the leaves! I don't have a clue if it's a weed or not but it's pretty.

vintage girl at heart said...

I think it is pretty!! I have little surprises like that in some of my potted plants!!
We are getting rain here thism orning...hope you are too!!! It is so dry and crispy here!!!

Jen said...

You just have green thumb, that's all there is to it!
I don't know what it is.

Christina said...

One pretty weed in my book. Wow, hope you find out what it is. I guess it doesn't mind the heat if it just sprung up.

It was milder this morning. Hopefully y'all are enjoying a little mild too.

Val said...

Either is pretty.

Amanda said...

What a pretty plant. I don't know where it came from but we have a saying that a weed is just a plant growing in the wrong place. We keep loads of plants that are technically weeds, but just look so pretty it would be mean to pull them up. They do need keeping under control though.

bj said...

Regardless if it's a flower or a is just precious with those tiny little flowers. I wish I had a whole bed of them....:)

Thanks for coming by and voting on MUSIC or NO MUSIC...I just HAD to put your comment on my sidebar...come see...:)))
I just love these things that are fun...
hugs, bj

Rita said...

You were so wise to let it grow; it is just beautiful and the best part is that is unexpected; love that.