Friday, July 09, 2010

Garden in early July

100_4080 It has been some time since I have shown some of the flowers growing in the flower beds around our place. I keep saying that is all I am going to put out...but then I find some on sale and my fingers start itching to take these lovely plants home. Yesterday I bought a double flowered Rose of Sharon...I have a couple of the single flowered ones. I had been talking about how pretty the double ones have been this year...Leon said only reason I did not have one was because I had not bought it. Stopped by the feed store yesterday - they had two left - 35% off - so got one...we got it planted late this evening. I will post a picture later on ... by the time we got thru we were sweating profusely and declared it was shower/bath time. Today found some gallon size strawberry plants on sale at Lowes for $1.50 each...they had eleven took all of them. Our strawberry patch has lost a lot of the plants...don't know what the it was time to replace some of them. While at the feed store yesterday also picked up some more ground cover plants. We have not planted them yet - but will tomorrow maybe.

Here are some pictures of around our place...most of the plants you will recognize - but if you don't let me know and I will respond.100_4105 100_4102 100_4082 100_4084 100_4087 <100_4101   100_4106 100_4058 100_4109

This is just a small amount of the plants/flowers in our yard. I will show others at another time.



julieQ said...

Amelia, what a lovely garden. You are the one with the green thumb! I am so glad you find such pleasure in your flowers.

Hazel said...

What can I say ,just beautiful as always .

Amanda said...

Your garden must be looking, and smelling lovely, just now. And look at that wonderful lawn. Does Leon keep it looking so good, or is it the geese?

Michelle said...

Your yard is absolutely beautiful! Have a great weekend!

Val said...

All of your pictures are gorgeous. I love seeing them.

Saska said...

I've planted strawberries three times and can't get them to grow! Don't know what the problem is...but I think a wheelborrow of "organic stuff" from the barnyard may fix the problem!
Your garden of eden is beautiful!