Tuesday, May 29, 2007

May Garden Tour

This is celosia - also known as rooster comb or cock's comb. It is one of Leon's favorites so I try to plant it each year. It reseeds some - in fact there are some coming up from the seeds of last year.

This is a wild vine that grows 12-15 feet tall each summer. Each late fall I cut it back down to about 6 to 8 inches...then in early spring it starts its mammoth growing.

The plant on the right is a hydrangea that is several years old. Only got one blossom last year (due to weather) but this year it appears there will be many. The plant on the left (in the pot) is a poinsetta. Let me give you the history on this beauty...after Christmas at the feed store where grand-daughter Leanne works they were going to pitch the plant. But they asked if anyone had a green thumb and wanted it. Leanne quickly responded and says my grandmother does. She brought it out and it stayed pretty nice looking for abut 3-4 more weeks. I put it out in the garage until it was warm enough to put outside. Orginally, there were four plants in the pot...one of them has died. But you can see how pretty the remaining three are at this time. In the lower left corner is some kind of ground cover (don't know the name) and 4 o'clocks.

Front porch pot with licorice, purslane, geranium and dusty miller.

Impatients-this is the perfect place to grow these flowers. They get just the right amount of shade and sunlight.

Amaryllis...are they not just absolute breathtaking in looks? That is swedish ivy in the background pots.

Some of the many blossoms on my hosta plants...also have some in lavender.

This pot contained "wave" petunias last year...they reseeded them selves...and this is what I have. I do believe they are prettier this year than last. Early in the spring I had tucked in a couple of dusty miller plants for a different color and texture in the pot.

Some of my oriental lillies that are in bloom. Something happened to the yellow ones I had...or maybe they will bloom later.

This was so pretty before the rain, but I failed to get a picture then. It is looking somewhat droopy as you can tell as I had to hold it up to get the snapshot.

Join me at the end of June for another tour of the Watkins Flower Garden.


Emig Family said...

Very pretty!

LKPheartsfood said...

How beautiful! Those must make you smile every time you see them--that's what they did for me!

Renee said...

very pretty! and very colorful!