Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Red and Yellow

Not normally two colors used together

in decorating.


But in a bouquet – why not?100_5855

We received these from our Sunday School Class.

They were delivered by one of the ladies

from our class on Sunday who had just received the

news about our health issues along with trips to

the hospital. She went to either Wal-Mart or the

local grocery and selected these beauties.

The colors were playing well with each other

so just arranged them in a vase.  I happened

to remember I had picked up a pair of yellow candle

sticks recently (Goodwill) that would go along

with the red/yellow theme.

As you can  tell there are still some red and white items

left from Valentine’s Day decor.




Michelle said...

I am sorry to hear you are having health issues.Can I pray for you? Your flowers are beautiful!

Jen said...

It's always great to receive flowers on an unexpected day!

Amanda said...

Nature can get away with amazing colour schemes. I hope that your health issues aren't too serious and that you both feel better soon.

Val said...

What a way to lift your spirits. I am praying for you. Beautiful, just like you.

julieQ said...

What a lovely combination!!! Hope you are doing Ok...hugs, Amelia!!

Victoria said...


Are you okay??? You have me worried now.

Picket said...

Hey sweetie...hope you are okay...red and yellow are pretty together and fresh flowers are just always so pretty...You take care girl...Picket

julieQ said...

I need to hear from you!! I am officially worried...are you OK? Anything you need, dear Amelia??