Tuesday, November 09, 2010


This past Saturday Leon and I wondered around the country checking out some estate and yard sales.  The pickings were rather poor…that does not mean we did not buy anything – it just means we bought less.


At one location the money from the sales were to help with the building of a new fellowship hall for a local country church. The selection was real meager but I was determined to find something to help with the money raising. I found a blue table runner, 4 blue water tumbler type glasses and some plastic type stuff used for lining drawers or kitchen cabinets – there were one complete roll and three partly used ones. The total of these items came to $3.00. I gave the woman a twenty – and told her to keep the balance to be used toward their goal. Explained to her I was a member of another church just up the road from them. They knew one of our retired ministers as he had been their substitute preacher for a period of time. Also told them I would like to donate more but I was retired and I would prefer my tithing go to my own church.


Went around the corner to another yard sale – this was one being held to sell off the items of a 97 year old woman who had recently passed away. There was a box sitting right in front of the building where most everything was located that was being sold. On the top of the box was a pair of white kid leather gloves…they looked real small and I was excited as I have such short fingers it is hard for me to get gloves to fit. I picked up one and tried it on – fit was almost perfect…glanced at the other glove…so what looked like money was there…I thought it was play money! But upon further inspection by looking inside the glove more I could tell it was real money. The gloves were not priced so I asked the woman what the price was…she said $1.50…so I walked over close to her and said “what about the contents of the glove”. She looked at me rather strangely. I opened up the glove and showed her. She took them from me – said you can have the gloves – but I offered to pay – but she insisted I could just have them. The amount of money was $28.00. The time was around 11:00 – no telling how many people had walked by that box.


I believe the “Test” was would I keep something that was not mine – especially since I had just given away money and made that public at the previous location. I could have kept that money – no human would have known.


The Lord knows what I do all the time –  but I must always behave like a Christian when I am out in the world.




Kristie said...

I'm sure the Lord is very proud! So many people would have not said a word about the extra money but you knew what the right thing to do was and you will be truly Blessed by what you did.

julieQ said...

Oh dear Amelia...I love this story! Great meaning in this simple tale...thank you for it! A few bucks is not worth a person's self respect for sure.

Hazel said...

What a shining example you are ,to live your faith and do whats right is hard for many ,thank God for people like you .

Michelle said...

Bless you heart Amelia. God is proud and shining down on you!

Tardevil said...

Amen, girl! I always think about if that were my money, I would hope someone would return it for me. (not that the dead lady will know, but her heirs will) ;O) It always pays to do the right thing.

Amanda said...

This is an interesting story Amelia. But I think you were being tested as a good human being, not just as a good Christian. Most non-Christians would behave just as you did, as it's the moral way to live.

Val said...

Oh wow. What a test. And I think that it is awesome that you know that it was a test. And you passed! Congrats! I love to hear stories like this.

Jen said...

Great story!
I can't help but think about the lady that originally owned the gloves... that she tucked that money away in her gloves for safe keeping not knowing it was just all meant to be for you to find it and use the situation as a testimony and to give Glory to God.

Christina said...

What a beautiful story. I'm so glad that you shared it with us. I believe that the Lord does bless us for doing the right thing. Not only that but it is a good lesson for those grandchildren too.

I've missed being around lately and look forward to catching up this evening.

Victoria had on the sweet flower today that you sent her in the mail. We took some fall photographs of her family.