Saturday, September 04, 2010

Latest Craft Fun

In my spare time I have been creating some scrapbook pages. These has been fun - some pages look very creative and others (especially if I am tired) don't look too good...but I have fun - and I suppose that is one of the objectives with hobbies.

With the cartridges I have purchased to go along with the Cricut machine that Leon bought me about a year ago I know I need to use them for other things... my pea size brain got to thinking and I came up with this idea.

From time to time I will see tissue box covers for the designer size boxes. Last time I was in the thrift store there were two of them. Purchased them - spray painted them white.

After doing some thinking decided what I wanted to cut out and put on each of them...oh yes, forget to mention that one would be for Millie and one for Max (grandchildren).

So this is what I created...100_4353 100_4344 These pictures don't show the colors as well as I would have liked...but used pink, brown and lime green for Miss Millie's box.100_4337 100_4341 For Max went with basic colors of red, white and blue...with some yellow and black thrown in for added measure.

Something different in their rooms - plus fun for me. Leon teases me about playing paper dolls - so guess I am still a kid at heart ~ it is fun to dress the paper dolls. I have used these dolls a lot in the scrap booking pages.

Enjoy this Labor day weekend.



Amanda said...

What a clever idea, they look terrific. How did you fix the shapes down? And have you varnished over the top of them or something like that to stop them being peeled off?

Hazel said...

The kids will love them ,what a cute idea .

Michelle said...

Your talents amaze me, Amelia. The kids will love them and beg for more. Be blessed, and have a great weekend!

Jen said...

I don't know anyone that has that Cricut machine. Nice to see it actually works. Great idea to decorate the tissue boxes to personalize them.

Emig Family said...

Looks great! The kids are going to love them.