Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Did you know?

A blogging friend of mine tagged me in a question and answer game.

Here goes:

1. Do you prefer hand washing dishes or the dishwasher? Dish washer - but certainly not opposed to hand washing...seems like there are always some dishes that have to hand washed anyway.

2. Rainy days or sunny days? Sunny days are best - rainy days tend to make my disposition sour.

3. Do you have a hobby and what is it? I play around with scrapbooking - not very good at it but learning. Quilting is another hobby that I enjoy...also need to add gardening and cooking to my list of hobbies.

4. Are you a shopper? Only at yard sales and the like...you won't catch me in the mall just walking up and down the way looking around...if I have to go to the mall it will be only for one or two stores with a particular purchase in mind.

5. If you could do one thing in your life no matter what it costs, what would you do? Nothing comes to mind - I enjoy my home and like being in my bed each night - so traveling is not on the agenda very often. Money can not buy happiness - so guess there is really no answer to this question.

6. Do you have a certain "wash" day (laundry day) like Granny did? No, not really - usually do a load every day or so

7. Do you have a simple recipe that you love and would you share it with us? Most of my cooking does not require a recipe - but I do have several recipes for dessert items that I would be willing to share.

8. Who are YOU? The real YOU? The one that only YOU know. With me, what you see is what I am - I am a hugger and a toucher - I love the Lord with all my being... and really enjoy being around people.

So, did you find out anything about me that you did not already know?

My God always be in your life.



Norma said...

Sweet lady, you left out that you are a great friend. If folks can do what you and I did over the net, you have to be open to friendship. I know you are there for me and that is a great gift.

Norma said...

Sweet lady, you left out that you are a great friend. If folks can do what you and I did over the net, you have to be open to friendship. I know you are there for me and that is a great gift.

julieQ said...

I really liked this! More to know and love about you!

Val said...

I found out that me and you are a lot alike! Thanks for playing this little meme. I haven't done one in a long time. It was fun! Love ya!

Hazel said...

Interesting it's good to know I'm not the only one who has no wish to travel .I agree with the others you are one of the sweetest ladies in blog land .

Darlene said...

That was a great read about you!!