Saturday, November 28, 2009

Down with the 0ld-Up with the New

Fall decorations (which includes Halloween and Thanksgiving) are down, packed and stored in the shed.

This means time to start the Christmas decorations. Since my sweet man is recovering from his total knee replacement he can not help me this year. When daughter Holly and her family were here yesterday I got my wonderful son-in-law to help me move all the boxes and totes marked "Christmas" from the storage shed to the garage. I have full access to the huge work table so I can spread out all the items to my heart's content.

Outside decorating will be at the minimum this year...pretty much what I can reach with both feet on the ground. We certainly don't need two people crippling around at this holiday time.

As for the inside ~ the tree is up and decorated...may do some tweaking on it in time...did not change anything from last year....everything was new then so I am still real pleased with the looks of it. I am changing out the mantel this year...have not fully decided how or what I am doing just yet. One thing though, the wreath that I have put up there the last 12 years will not go there...I still like it...but am tired of it in the same location.

Hopefully, if I don't get too tired of handling the stuff I can get rid of some things that I no longer care to use in the decorating scheme. I have been known to just stick them back in the totes thinking I will use them the next year...then this repeats itself for several now it time for those items to find a new home.

If anything turns out exceptionally well, I will take a picture and post it. I don't think I have anything new this year...but am thinking about putting things in different places...just to make it more interesting.

This will be the second Sunday we have missed church...but just don't think Mr. Limpy Leon is ready for that much movement yet or sitting up that long either. Next Sunday he should be more mobile and we can attend.

You all take care, post pictures of your Christmas decorating...always enjoy seeing how other people do their tree, mantle, etc.

Hugs from me here in central Oklahoma♥♥♥



Darlene said...

Hi Amelia,

I put up my tree and got most of my decorating done. I still have a couple of more areas to do and I know I will constantly "tweak" things until they are just perfect (for me). I wasn't really in the mood, but once I put on the Christmas music and got going with it I got more in the mood and got after it!

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. It is supposed to get much colder tomorrow.♥

Michelle said...

Well, you're farther with your decorating that I am, but I never do much anyway, so it's really no contest. I'm glad you got your SIL to help you.

I like your blog background. I really have not found one I am in love with yet,so mine might be different again before I settle on one.

Take care of you, and Leon.
Be blessed,

Amanda said...

Oh, yes please, do show some photographs. I always love to see how you decorate your house. We'll be getting our decorations down from the attic today, but they won't go up for a while yet, though I'm thinking of adding one a day during December. It will be fun finding new places for them in the new home. As we have a real Christmas tree we won't be buying it for a few weeks yet as they don't last for more than a couple of weeks. Best wishes to Leon for a speedy recovery.

Kristie said...

You are certainly fast with the changing of the seasons! Can't wait to see your beautiful photos. Mom put her tree up yesteray, well I should say she started it! It usually takes her several days to get it just right.

Hope Leon is feeling better soon.

Victoria said...

Oh my I do the same thing with my Christmas decorations! I have been through woodsy/natural decor, red & white, etc and hang onto things that don't go but are still really cute.

I hope your husband is doing well after his surgery!

julieQ said...

Would love to see your tree and wonderful decorations!! No tree up so far at our house...hopefully tomorrow!