Monday, March 14, 2011

Faith of a child….


This morning while Max  (age 6) and I were making up his bed the following conversation ensued:


Max: “ Granny, when you go to Heaven would you please take a phone with you.  I will be an adult when you go but I will start want to talk to you.”


Granny: “Well, Max I don’t think God would want phones in Heaven.”


Max: “ Granny, just find a quiet place and talk to God – ask him to please let you take a phone.”


Granny: “Max, I will definitely be looking from Heaven to see how you are doing”.


After this fleeting conversation this Granny choked up. It made me so pleased to know that his parents are teaching him about God. He has the faith!


Michelle said...

Pleased that his parents are talking to him about God, and that he loves his granny!!!!

Hazel said...

What a sweet boy ,he really loves his granny ,His parents deserve a big pat on the back for teaching him the ways of our Lord .

Judi said...

Hi Amelia *hugs*
What a swet and loving conversation you had with your little grandson...darling. Yes his parents are talking to him about God...and he is listening...*s*.
have a wonderful day

Kristie said...

Truly precious...

Val said...

How precious. That is amazing. This is priceless.

Saska said...

Out of the mouths of babes!

Very precious.
I love hearing my 2-yr old granddaughter sing Jesus loves me...she can't say all of the words, but you know she KNOWS!

Christina said...

Hi Amelia,

What wonderful words from your grandson. That must have done your heart good.

Unfortunately I haven't gotten to be around blogland much recently. Sorry to hear that you guys are having health problems. The roses in the last post were beautiful. What a sweet friend to brighten your day.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mama said...

That is the sweetest thing! What a special moment!

Tardevil said...

Sweet post! Hope your mammogram turns out well!