Monday, December 13, 2010

Cricut Machine – another use


I keep trying to think of ways to use my Cricut machine – other than scrapbooking layouts.


The following pictures show the latest project.


In order to use the paper I had I needed something that  gave thin paper some body and to give a sheen to the paper. Answer to this problem – cover the paper with clear adhesive paper (brand name as we know it – Contact paper). Had to make some extra settings to the Cricut to cut it properly. I had a new Christmas cartridge that I was wanting to try out – there were a couple of cuts I wanted to try on it.


Last year I had bought (after Christmas) a couple of boxes of the gold chargers – not knowing what I would do with them – as I don’t use them  on the table-  guess we are not “fancy” enough. Anyway, I thought one would work as a Christmas display unit on a easel type stand. Here are the results:

100_5194This is in one corner of the kitchen.

Still had some ideas churning around in my head – why not put some cut outs on candles – to spruce them up a notch or two.


Got out  some old candles that had not been used in the current decorating whirlwind for Christmas. Of course, had no idea if the plan would work – or where I would put them if the plan produced something useable. 100_5218


Added some ribbon to the middle one for an extra pop.

100_5219 The one in the middle is silver – but the flash sort of destroys the true color.

100_5201100_5202100_5205100_5207100_5208100_5217Trying to get the paper to stick to the candle proved to be a difficult task…used several different methods – none were real successful. The above candle was a stinker – don’t know why – so had to go to another plan. Being in the sewing room for these craft designs I spotted my straight pins that have different colored heads. I picked out the white ones ….cut part of the pin off and then used the rest to hold the cutout in place….sort of adds still another dimension to this.     


This might be an idea to use different cutouts for the different seasons – who knows!




♥ Amelia ♥


Hazel said...

I love our idea with the candles and the plate is so pretty .

Hazel said...

I meant your candles LOL sorry .

Michelle said...


Jen said...

Another fabulous idea.

Amanda said...

Brilliant. It's so easy to get a gadget and to only use it for its original purpose, but you've shown how versatile the Cricut can be if you just think creatively.

Val said...

Oh I love your ideas. I don't have one of those Cricut machines but have saw them. It might have to be on my list next year.

Carol said...


julieQ said...

You have the best ideas! I really love candles...their soft light is wonderful.

bj said...

Hey...these are fabulous. Plain ole candles to beautiful ones. You can link up with BORING TO BEAUTIFUL over at Savvy Southern Style for tomorrow. :))
Merriest Christmas.
xo bj

LKPheartsfood said...

I love these, especially the green candle with the ribbon!!