Friday, October 29, 2010

Creations for Christmas

Have any of you made or created something and then was not real pleased with the result? Picturing it in your head and it looks perfect…then when you start it – something just does not appear like you want…maybe color, height, width or whatever.


The following two “creations” fall into that category. I may use them at Christmas and then may not.  I think they will look better with greenery around them – than the way do just now - sort of “naked” there on the counter.



The sphere was an off colored red in comparison to the red in the ribbon…so with the trusty can of paint (which  we paid  one nickel for it at a yard sale back some time ago) painted it gold.


The sphere is the only thing I did not already have. The ribbon was just short pieces left from previous projects of years past.100_4869Also bought the large green ball – ribbon and gold leaves I had.


I like the concept of these two creations – but feel like they are lacking in something.


Will wait until I decorate at Christmas to see if they are keepers or not.


Main thing I suppose is I enjoyed the process of the creation. 





Christmas is not that far away – as far as the decorating part is concerned.


The weekend is here – beautiful fall weather!




Michelle said...

I'm sure whatever you do with them will be beautiful, and we will all be in awe. You had fun...that's all that matters. Have a great weekend!

bj said...

Oh, I think they are pretty, Amelia. They will be so festive and colorful at Christmas time.

Christmas is right around the corner now. I have a lot of my shopping done but not all of it. I try to be finished by Thanksgiving..
I am looking forward to decorating for Christmas. By the time I hang 18 Christmas stocking by the chimney (with care), I don't need much else other than our small tree and presents. :))