Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Christmas now ~ Christmas then

100_2455 This arrangement is on part of my computer desk - look in the lower left corner at the magazine. Yes, that is old fashioned looking picture. The date of this magazine is December 1940 - this was a gift to me by my sister about 4 years ago. At the same time she gave me a "Holiday" magazine dated December 1948. Both of these magazines are so interesting to read over and over again each season. Looking at the ads for everything imaginable is history. Seeing packets of seeds at 4 for 10 cents seems so cheap; a full size sheet sells for $1.75 - no contour sheets at that time. The prices are low but we must remember the salary people received was very low...war was going on but this was before rationing and victory gardens. I don't want the "good old days" like that - I will keep what I am enjoying today.
>100_2456 I have a large collection of Santa Claus figures...some are ceramic, some are wood, others of a plaster like substance...yet all have a similar appearance. Several years ago I started this collection and have received several for gifts. Also for quite a few years would give one to daughter Holly ...designed along the same line as mine -but yet different. When I pass from this earth she will get my collection. I would put the date on the bottom as to the year it was added to the collection - and if it was a gift I added the giver's name. In the past years, I would group them all together; this year I spread them out in various locations. You just never know where a Santa might greet you.

Thankful today for the wonderful church family we have at Sharon Baptist Church in Tecumseh, OK.



Darlene said...

I LOVE that jolly Santa and I'm sure it is fun reading those magazines. It is such an amazing difference from "then" to "now".

Hunter said...

I love to read old magazines and newspapers. Old prices are so amazing.

And what pretty santas.

Thanks again for sharing.


Jen said...

Amelia your decorations are taking the place of mine for me this year, I didn't get much out since we will be going to AZ for Christmas soon- so glad I can come in here and get some cheer.

Victoria said...

Oooh I love the old magazine! I bet it is very interesting to read!!! I always say I was born a few generations later than I should have been. :)

Love seeing all the Christmas decor! We are getting in deep around here.

Michelle said...

I love your Santas!

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Hi Amelia, That is a neat idea, to label all your Santas like that! That gives them a lot more meaning, I'm sure!

Your old magazine is neat! I have an old Harper's Bazaar, hardback, and it is so interesting to look back and see the prices, fashions, and ways of so long ago!

Tramp is a mighty cute addition to your Christmas decor below! :) He looks at home among all the other "animals."

Hope ya'll are dodging the massive winter storm, in your neck of the woods! ~hugs, Rhonda :)

Kristie said...

Your Christmas decorating looks great! Love those magazines, I have some old Sears and an old Vogue, love to look at them.

Hope Leon is doing better, I'm sure this is hard on you both.

Oh and I love how you are "counting your blessings" at the end of your post.....hmmmm....I think I will start doing that! With all the stress that I have right now, I still have so much to be thankful for!

julieQ said...

Hi Amelia!! We too have a collection of Santa's in our home. I got one each year for my son and put the date on the bottom like you. He enjoys looking at all the old ones! It will be going to his home this year, the whole collection.

Christina said...

Oh, love the chubby Santa. He is fantastic.

How fun to read the old magazine. I think I'm happy living in this modern society, but I do often think of the wonderfulness of simpler times.