Saturday, December 19, 2009


From our picture window we see all kinds of birds - some we know the name - others just fall into the category of large or small.

We spend a small fortune - mainly in the winter - to feed them. Wild bird mixture for most of them, sunflower seeds for those that like them (mainly the squirrels) and the Nyjer seed for the finches.

Just like last year the turkeys love to come up and see what is being served in the Watkins cafeteria. The geese fly in also...we are having three that stays near most of the time...then we have some that fly in every day or so that numbers about 20. The pond is also hosting about 15 to 20 ducks several times a week.

Because the big birds would eat most of the food Leon built this big box like feeder. It sits about two feet off the ground and is resting on the water tank that is used during the summer with our pump as the back yard water feature. With this the little birds can eat and not worry about the turkeys and geese eating it all. Oh yes, we still put feed down closer to the pond for them.

Here is a variety of pictures showing our back yard buddies.100_2520 100_2524 100_2525 100_2526100_2560  100_2570 100_2615

Did not take any pictures of the finch birds at their feeders...also have a red headed woodpecker that comes around from time to time. Dove oft times feed below the finch feeders and they are pretty. Naturally, living out like we do the crows come for a visit to munch and crunch...but I run them off as they are eating where the little birds get their food.

We enjoy the wildlife view from our window on the world - thank you Lord for this!


PS: We saw two deer way back behind the pond a couple of times this past week.


Darlene said...

Oh WOW Amelia....look at all your beautiful birds!! FABULOUS pictures. I LOVE seeing all of them. It is so wonderful that you keep their bellies fed.

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.♥

Michelle Bartels said...

God bless you for taking care of God's creatures. The pictures are beautiful!
be blessed,

Amanda said...

What a wonderful selection of birds you have that come to visit. We're spending a fortune too, and have lots of birds visiting us. We put food in hanging feeders for the tits, the nuthatches, and the robins, and it's quite amusing watching the larger blackbirds and starlings trying to balance on them. We sprinkle food in our courtyard for the birds that don't like to hang on, like the sparrows and the bullfinches, blackbirds and thrushes. Then we put food up on to the higher, more open area of the lawn for the rooks, crows and magpies. The heron's been visiting lately, but it's out of luck as the pond has been frozen for several days now. Luckily for the fish!

Christina said...

I just love cardinals. There are not really any other bird call that I recognize except theirs. They are such a bright spot in the winter landscape.

julieQ said...

I love your birds! The ducks are so pretty, and the bluejays! Wonderful pictures, Amelia.

Halcyon said...

Beautiful birds! You know I love our feathered friends. Looks like you have a nice variety of visitors too!