Sunday, May 21, 2006

Books, books and more books

For the past two years I have been in charge of the library at church. It was a challenge I asked our pastor if he cared that I handled. For a couple of so years boxes and sacks of books were just sitting in the one the rooms at church. Previously, a couple of women were going to start the library - but something happened and it never got off the ground. The two woman had since left our congregation when I asked the pastor about my organizing all of them. He said, "Go ahead".

Took quite a bit of time...I would work awhile on them - until I got to thinking it was more work than fun. Took me about 3 or 4 months to get them marked, sorted and on the shelves.

Don't have a lot of people that check them out so for the most part it does not take much time now. Have some people who never bring them back...But that is something I don't worry about. All of the books were donated - the church has not been out any money.

When we go to church on Sunday morning I always go in and see if any books were returned or any checked out.

This morning the "Donation" box was completely full and running over - plus a couple of grocery sacks had books in them.

So for the next week or so I will marking them. Then the challenge will be when I take them back to the library. It appears that most of them are children's books and the area now allotted for children is full. I will have to do some major arranging and may have to have some new shelves installed.

Don't get me wrong - I do enjoy this - just a way of my serving the Lord in His house.

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